What Gardening Means To Me ft. Cinematographer Sean Brennan

What Gardening Means To Me ft. Cinematographer Sean Brennan

My cactus, "Dill", as he's come to be known, was just about 6 inches tall when I bought him. I've watched him grow to over 10 inches in 2 years and honestly? I'm just really proud of us.
- Sean Brennan, Marly grower


The beautiful thing about gardening is that it means something different to everyone who practices it.

For some, gardening is about finding peace and connecting with nature, to others it's an effort to become more self-sufficient or a route to a happier, healthier lifestyle.

As part of a new series showcasing the various individuals living with Marly we wanted to find out more about what gardening means to our community. 

Sean Brennan - friend, collaborator, cinematographer, Grower Club member, and budding cacti dad - joined us to kick things off over a virtual coffee.

We chatted about life, nature, travel, television, music and working with Usher (as you do). 

We hope you enjoy our conversation.

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*Anecdotes about Usher not always guaranteed. 




Hey Sean, thanks for joining us! Could you provide a mini bio on yourself and your background? 

I'm Sean Brennan, a freelance cinematographer living in Venice, CA. I primarily shoot documentaries and commercials but I'm getting a bit more into narrative of late. I've lived a couple different lives in my 32 years, growing up very much an athlete and playing college football in Iowa and then finding myself drawn to pursuing art and creative expression in my adulthood.

I've spent much of my life traveling, laughing, golfing and learning.


Sean Brennan filming with children


What do plants, gardening and nature mean to you?

I think plants represent true and honest beauty. I cant begin to tell you why we're drawn to and inspired by plants, flowers and trees on a fundamental level, but there is no arguing that they are pleasing to our eyes.

At the expense of giving away trade secrets, I've always used plants in my work to make a frame more interesting or compelling. I've found myself asking frequently if the location has any plants in other rooms we could move in here to help the shot.

I've always been aware that the colors, shapes, formations and textures that occur naturally and without human involvement are the most awe inspiring. Plants represent a small-scale version of that beauty that can fit in our homes.


What's your favorite thing to grow inside your home or garden?

I've only lived in LA for about 2 years and as soon as I got here the first thing I bought was a cactus. Having lived in the midwest and then New York for the first 30 years of my life, I was so stoked to move to a place where a cactus grows naturally and it has not disappointed. "Dill" as he's come to be known, was just about 6 inches tall when I bought him. I've watched him grow to over 10 inches in 2 years and honestly? I'm just really proud of us.


Sean watering his Marly planter


Do you have any unusual tips or tricks for keeping your plants healthy?

Not really. I'd love to know if someone has a trick to keep basil alive though...


Are there any home or garden accessories/tools/products that you would recommend to our community, and why? (other than Marly!)

The only accessory I can recommend I learned from my partner Katie and it's more about integrating plants into your home than it is keeping them alive. She's gotten me really into leveling our plants to make them feel more full in the room. That comes from both purchasing a variety of plant sizes but also in finding fun ways to stack our plants.

We purchased an old wooden drum from a vintage store here in Venice for like $15, placed one of our short but wider plants in our living room on it and it really brings the corner together. I think single Sean would have put it on the floor, hated it, and lived with it like that for years.

Also, it's not lost on me that Marly allows us to stack as well with the added legs and various pot sizes and we LOVE that.


Sean's cluster of plants in the corner of his home


How has your Marly planter helped you on your gardening journey?

Both Katie and I travel a ton for work, sometimes for multiple weeks back to back. Not only are we gone for a long time but our jobs are both physically and mentally demanding. Production has long hours and is very active so re-integrating into home life and routines takes a few days... most of which are spent sleeping and zombie walking around the house.

Marly has allowed us to have real plants that we're not just keeping alive, but that are actually thriving whether we're home or not.

How does travel and experiencing new geographies and landscapes influence your creative projects?

Traveling across the world has certainly informed not just my creative intent, but truly every aspect of my life. I'm really fortunate working in the doc space to have spent intimate time with people in their homes everywhere from Italy to Africa to Serbia. It's never been about having a mindset of "oh, this is better" but more about "I'd like this to be more in my life."

I've been really drawn to Italian architecture and design, primarily in the Tuscany region. It all feels very utilitarian, down to their homes and gardens, but in that there's such beauty. It feels like a simpler way of being and in turn feels more connected to the planet. Wine that's made 20 minutes from where you're standing, basil thats picked right outside the door...even having no A/C really immerses you in a place that feels like humanity and nature coexisting. Everything is made of wood and stone. Something as simple as grinding your own coffee beans reminds you that coffee is a plant that was grown and harvested and shipped to you. 

I'd say traveling has forced me to cut through a lot of the noise and sparkle of modern society to find some of the universal truths that exist across the planet, and I aspire to create images and work that reflects those truths. 


coffee table plants


What are you listening to, watching, or reading right now?

I am listening to a whole lot of Motown and old R&B/Blues. Etta James, Al Green, Miles Davis, Sam Cooke, Sharon Jones, and then modern bands like the Teskey Brothers and St. Paul and the Broken Bones.

I think LA has preserved this incredible vibe from the 1950's and 60's in its architecture and so it just feels right to play the music of that era. Maybe I've just watched too many movies but it does making tidying the house or cooking far more enjoyable.

I could name a whole bunch of stuff I'm watching or have loved but the two I'll mention is The Bear and The Newsroom. One old, one new. The Bear has been a revelation. It feels like it really respects its audience and moves through these stories in ways that aren't as predictable as most TV and therefore it's been wildly impactful on me. The Newsroom on the other hand I started last month and let's just call it the right show at the right time.


Sean's Marly planter alongside his record collection



Which bar, restaurant, park, store, or place do you always recommend a friend visits?

Hmm I'm not sure, just enjoy wherever you're at!


What are you working on this year? Are there any projects we can give a shoutout?

This might feel like a plug... but the thing I'm most excited about this year has been the Marly short film that we're currently in post-production on. Alex has been such a fun collaborator on the project and given Katie and I a ton of his trust to create something that I think is different and powerful. I've gotten to work on it with people I truly LOVE and it's a story thats near and dear to my heart so I'm really excited for that to come out.

Also, another project I shot with Alex this year was a feature for the Super Bowl with Usher and Nate Burleson. It was inspiring to be around those guys and to listen to their conversation. If people can find it online I'd highly suggest the watch (Marly: dw, we've got you).

So yeah, Marly and Usher. 


Amazing, thanks so much for your time and the super insightful conversation today Sean.

We're looking forward to seeing the Marly short film in all its glory!




Sean Brennan is an LA based cinematographer and creative. Check out his reel and find out how to work with him here.

Sean grows with Marly's Smaller, Earthy Terracotta Self-Watering Planter plus legs for stacking (as pictured in the images above).

If you would like to be featured on the Marly journal, please reach out to growcurious@marlygarden.com, we would love to chat!

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